Our Mission

Ride With Clyde - Battling Cancer With Bennet Epperson

This is actually set up with the sole purpose of raising funds in various ways to help support Baby Ben, Jenny, Dave, and their families and friends during Ben's fight with cancer.

This blog seemed the best way for me to put all of my various efforts together in one place so that I could share them with others.

I will also try to update the blog with Bennet's condition and other news of his care and treatment as I hear it.

Feel free to post comments and make suggestions for other ways to raise money or generally help out. You can also get in touch with me at ridewithclyde2010@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance to everyone for their support. F*ck Cancer!

-Ben's Uncle Jake

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Sorry for the Slacking

First off, to the left is our second picture of people rocking the t-shirts they bought to support Bennet, Jenny, and Dave.  This is Melissa and her daughter in-law, friends of Ben, Jenny, and Dave.  Nice shirts ladies!

Hi everybody.  I want to apologize for the lack of updates lately.  I drove up to Medford last Friday to welcome everyone home from Portland and have been catching up a little since getting home.  I actually beat everyone to Medford, but only got to see Beth, Collin, their girls, and Connie on Friday.  Dave and Jenny were asked to keep Bennet away from other people for the most part until they had a chance to see the oncologist Monday in Ashland.  This was because they weren't sure of Ben' white blood cell count and didn't want him around people who may be sick.  We did however get to see Jenny, Dave, and Ben on Saturday.  We went by their house and then walked to Lithia Park and had a picnic lunch.  It was the first time I had seen any of them since the day Ben was admitted to the hospital back in June.  It was great to see Benny happy and smiling still.  Dave show be the x-ray of the tumor and I was amazed at how big it was.  Dave also showed me where Ben's port is and other various things leftover from the various procedures.  It was really good to just talk to them and hear all of what has been going on.  Even if it was a short visit and I had to keep my distance from Bennet, it was worth the drive up.

Now for the update from yesterday's visit to the oncologist in Ashland.  They did some blood work on Benny and his white blood cell numbers were back up which is good.  Unfortunately, his red blood cell count is now down and it looks like he'll be getting a blood transfusion on Thursday.  If I'm not mistaken both Dave and Ben's uncle Collin share his blood type, so one of them should be able to donate blood for the transfusion.  It also looks like Bennet, Jenny, and Dave are going to have to go back up to Portland for some appointments, the next round of chemo, and possibly another MRI to check on the tumor.  They aren't sure when this will be yet as they have to make an appointment with the surgeon (I don't know why).  It could be sometime next week, but we'll know for sure when they make the appointment.  I think that's it for now on the updates.

Now for a piece of my mind.  I've been hearing from the family that some people are finding the "F*ck cancer!" shirts to be offensive.  Like I've said before, I'm sorry if they offend you, but its what we're thinking at this point.  There are other options for those that find them to be offensive.  Personally, I don't find them offensive.  My grandfather passed away when I was 7 years old, 11 days after he was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer.  I also have a number of family and close friends who have lost loved ones to cancer.  As such, I bought one of these shirts for myself and wore it proudly on Saturday when we went to see Bennet, Jenny, and Dave.  Beth and I were both amazed at the reception the shirt received.  Walking around Ashland four people commented on the shirt all in positive ways.  Throughout the rest of the day at the family pub in Medford and out at Southern Oregon Speedway, the shirt received at least four more positive comments, though it was more like 6.  No one told me they were offended by the shirt.  I think this has to do with the idea that almost all of us have been touched by cancer in some way, shape, or form in our lives.  No one likes the disease.  We all share the sentiment the shirt expresses, just not all of us are willing to admit it.  So I'll continue to wear my shirt proudly for my grandfather and Bennet, and those of us out there unwilling to do so.  But please do us a favor, if you find the shirt offensive, we don't need to hear about it.  Buy another shirt or don't, either is fine, but this is how we feel.

That's all.  Sorry for the rant.  I'll be back soon when I have more news.

As always, f*ck cancer, I ride with Clyde!



  1. Praying for a positive out come at tomorrows blood Draw....Is Bennet seeing Dr. Diane Williams?

  2. I have had a ton of positive feedback from Chase's F*ck cancer onesie!!!! It gets noticed everywhere we go and everyone pretty much feels that way about cancer!!!! Thanks again for the updates and I say F*ck cancer I ride with Clyde!!!!!!!!!!!!
