Our Mission

Ride With Clyde - Battling Cancer With Bennet Epperson

This is actually set up with the sole purpose of raising funds in various ways to help support Baby Ben, Jenny, Dave, and their families and friends during Ben's fight with cancer.

This blog seemed the best way for me to put all of my various efforts together in one place so that I could share them with others.

I will also try to update the blog with Bennet's condition and other news of his care and treatment as I hear it.

Feel free to post comments and make suggestions for other ways to raise money or generally help out. You can also get in touch with me at ridewithclyde2010@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance to everyone for their support. F*ck Cancer!

-Ben's Uncle Jake

Friday, July 16, 2010

Little Update

So from what Beth told me today or maybe last night, Bennet will have more blood work done next Thursday to again check his counts.  If they look good like they did yesterday, they will do another round of chemo.  I guess they're just planning on doing a big dose on Thursday and calling that good for this round.  So Benny would be in the hospital for a few hours and then he'd get to go home.  We aren't sure why they've dropped it to one day.  I for one am not going to question it.  We also don't know the plan beyond that as far as the chemo goes at this point.  If for some reason Ben's counts have gone down, there is a possibility they could do a blood transfusion instead of the chemo.  But we'll cross that bridge if we come to it.  For now we'll think chemo thoughts instead of transfusion thoughts.

I just saw on Jenny's facebook page that someone that doesn't know Bennet made him a quilt.  I think that's awesome.  So if whoever did that is out there reading this, thank you from all of us for thinking about Benny, Jenny, and Dave and for taking time out of your life to make him something so special.  From where I'm sitting, I can say that I've been amazed by the willingness of people who don't know Bennet, Jenny, or Dave to help out.  Its really cool and I'm glad Bennet, Jenny, and Dave have people in their lives that have friends with such big hearts.  Thank you to all of you.

F*ck cancer, I ride with Clyde!


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