Our Mission

Ride With Clyde - Battling Cancer With Bennet Epperson

This is actually set up with the sole purpose of raising funds in various ways to help support Baby Ben, Jenny, Dave, and their families and friends during Ben's fight with cancer.

This blog seemed the best way for me to put all of my various efforts together in one place so that I could share them with others.

I will also try to update the blog with Bennet's condition and other news of his care and treatment as I hear it.

Feel free to post comments and make suggestions for other ways to raise money or generally help out. You can also get in touch with me at ridewithclyde2010@hotmail.com. Thanks in advance to everyone for their support. F*ck Cancer!

-Ben's Uncle Jake

Sunday, July 4, 2010

The Past Two Days

Hi all.  First off, I'd like to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July.  I hope everyone has had a fun and safe holiday.

Our little man Bennet had his last chemo treatment of this first round yesterday.  He had kind of a rough day yesterday and didn't eat a whole lot.  Overall though, for the first three days of chemo, that was the only side effect, so he didn't pretty darn good.  Beth said the doctors have gotten his electrolyte levels back in check.  That means that today, Ben, Jenny, and Dave actually got to leave the hospital and head to the Ronald McDonald house.  As Beth said, they'll be staying with Ronnie until next Friday.  On Thursday they'll be doing that radioactive dye test and if everything looks good with the tumor it sounds like Ben, Jenny, and Dave will get to go home for a week or so.  As an added bonus, with it being America's birthday and all, the doctors told Jenny and Dave they could take Ben out of the hospital to watch fireworks.  While it isn't quite the same as being at home in Medford lighting fireworks off with the family (always a good time), it is a little victory.  My updates should be a little better here the next few days, assuming there is news to update you with as Collin and Beth are, I believe, headed back to Portland tomorrow.

On another subject, I just wanted to give everyone a heads up as far as the shirts go.  I ordered four shirts all from different "shops" and was kind of bugged when they showed up and the designs on two of them were crooked.  I went on cafepress.com and emailed their customer service department and told them what was going on and that I wanted the shirts replaced.  In a couple hours I had a response that said they would be doing just that.  So, if you run into any issues with the shirts and your orders, by all means contact their customer service department and see if they can get it straightened out.  Since the shirt links have made their way off the bottom of the page, I'll repost them all here again tomorrow.  Enjoy the rest of your holiday.  And remember...

F*ck cancer, I ride with Clyde!


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